* |
First Name: |
Middle Initial: |
* |
Last Name: |
* |
EMail Address: |
Phone (Day): |
* |
Phone (Evening): |
Phone (Cell): |
* |
Address 1: |
Address 2: |
* |
City: |
* |
Zip/Postal Code: |
* |
Country: |
* |
State: |
(Will be ignored for non-USA residents) |
* |
Gender: |
Male Female |
* |
Birthdate: |
Month Day
Year |
* |
US Citizen: |
No |
Member/Spouse Membership Additional Information |
Please include the following information for the other half of your Member/Spouse
life membership:
Name, DOB, (phone and email if different), Member Number and Jacket Type & Size in the space below. |
Member/Spouse Name and NSCA # |
Registered Target Information |
Please select a registered targets option. Input classes below. |
I have shot registered targets with a Non-Sporting Organization. My highest class was B or below.
I have shot registered targets with a Non-Sporting Organization. My highest class was A or above.
I have shot only sporting clays with another sporting clays association
I have never shot any registered Clay targets. My assigned class is C.
Note: C class only applies to U.S. residents. all shooters from outside the U.S. start in AA
or higher. |
Registered Target Class |
If you selected one of the first 3 options above, you MUST enter a class below. If you have any questions,
please call Kimberly at (210) 688-3371 x111 or email at
Please enter your registered class
All new
U.S. Sporting Clay members are placed in D class to start. After shooting 300 targets in the current shoot year, you may call and request a class review for reclassification to E class.
All non-US shooters will start in AA or higher. |
Donations |
Enter a dollar amount that you wish to donate to the given cause: |
NSCA Sporting Clays Team |
Enter Amount: $ |
Youth Sporting Clays Shooting |
Enter Amount: $ |
Museum Fund |
Enter Amount: $ |
* |
How did you hear about the National Sporting Clays Association:
Disclaimer |
The NSSA or NSCA reserves the right to terminate, not renew and deny membership to any person or organization
at any time for any reason, or no reason, in its sole and absolute discretion, subject to applicable law. Membership in the NSSA or NSCA is a
privilege and not a right.
Note: It is very important that you enter the member information of the person that is joining or renewing, not the contact information of the person paying (in many cases, this will be the same person).
Also note that while we receive notification of payment immediately, there is still processing that must take place in our office before your membership information is ready.
This process (either online or by phone) can take up to 10 business days. <<<<
Falsification of the above information will result in disqualification and the return of all prizes and monies for all events. Falsification of classification information could also lead to suspension from the NSCA.
I Agree with the above Disclaimer*
For questions about this form or your registration, please contact:
Kyme Gracia
(210) 688-3371 x961